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Michael's most popular short play


A man who can't handle the overload of information in modern society decides to drop out. (1 man/1 woman)



























- FINALIST for the Sam French Festival - New York City, NY - October 2012

- Driven Theatre at the Ensemble Theatre - Houston, TX - May 2012

- Innate Volution Theatre - Chicago, IL - June 2012

- Playwrights Roundtable - Orlando, FL - July 2012

- East Bound Theatre - Milford, CT - July 2012

- Subversive Theatre - New York City, NY - July 2012

- Stonington Players - Stonington, CT - November 2012

- Scriptwriters/Houston Museum Plays at the Museum of Printing History - Houston, TX - October 2012

- Spokane Radio Theatre - Spokane, WA - July 2013

- Radio Theatre Project - St. Petersburg, FL - May 2014

- City Theatre New Play Festival - Miami, FL - June 2014

- Laugh Riot Erie's Rollercoaster Series - Edinboro, PA - August 2014

- Freshwater Theatre's Recollection Series - Minneapolis, MN - March/April 2015

- Mildred's Umbrella's Museum of Dysfunction - Houston, TX - April 2015

- Warren International Theatres Festival - Torrington, CT - October 2015 

- Love Creek Productions - New York City, NY - February 2016


Semifinalist out of 607 submissions for Little Fish Pick of the Vine 2014.

Finalist in the Parish Players One Act Festival.


© 2015 by Michael Weems

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